Crystal therapy is an old skill and art of placing the crystals, minerals and semi precious gems on or around each other in order to inducing deep relaxation, stress and pain relief and balance the physical and subtle body.
The man, his every body even his every cell has its own frequency.
The human body is surrounded by bio magnetic sheath that surrounds and provide protective zone around the physical body and contains information about the physical, emotional and spiritual condition of the person and is called Aura consisting of seven layers, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and their between layers.Through constant aura energy streams in separate channels called meridians.
The disease occurs when there are imbalances and the inability of the flow of energy that is manifested by psychological, mental and physical disorders.
Major causes include stress and negative thoughts, natural and artificial harmful radiation.
Crystals heal and protect from harmful influences, streamlining subtle energies and resolve the problem reaching the cause of the disease.
Acting with its unique frequency crystal directs the vibrations in concentrated flourite-crystals impulses and brings into harmonious energy flow of energy disharmony of the body and individual organs, and returns to the normal frequency of operation, which affects the proper functioning of physical body and thereby establishes energy balance.
Emotions are subtle variations of energy vibration and they can through the crystal therapy to be released in a gentle way.
Depression, sadness, anxiety, dissatisfaction, emotional trauma and everything about the emotional level can be treated to a powerful and totally noninvasive manner.
Crystals of natural energy and they are passes that are used for designing and intensify the energies of healing and also help absorption and elimination negative energies.