
How do you feel? Healthy, happy, positively motivated? If your answer is…NO… TRY REIKI!!! …And see how you


How do you feel?

Healthy, happy, positively motivated?

If your answer is…NO


…And see how you feel!

Our lives are filled with struggle, deadlines, frustrations, requests from field work, finances, relationships and family. For many, stress is an everyday which becomes a way of life.

In small doses, helps in stress relieve and help us to function under pressure and motivate us to extract the best from us.

But after a certain point stress stops being supporter and causes great damage to our health, mood, productivity, affects our relationships and qualities of our living.

Reiki works by rebalancing the body’s energy; removes roadblocks in and out of the body that are accumulated for years and resulted in physical pain, stress, emotional care and inability to proceed.Реики третманот ќе направи да се чувствувате регенерирани, ревитализирани и повторно мотивирани.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation that promotes health.

After Reiki session you feeling relaxed,detoxified of all that is waste from your system. Side effects do not exist.

Benefits of Reiki:


  • Го промовира природното самоизлекување
  • Го чисти телото од токсини
  • Ги балансира енергиите во телото
  • Ослободува од болки и релаксира
  • Допринесува за мирен сон
  • Ја зголемува енергијата и виталноста
  • Го зајакнува имунолошкиот систем


  • Promote natural heal
  • It cleanses the body of toxins
  • Balancing the energies in the body
  • Free from pain and relaxes
  • Contributes to a peaceful sleep
  • Increases energy and vitality
  • It strengthens the immune system


  • Offering emotional balance
  • Strengthens the feeling of security
  • Highlights the feelings of peace and love
  • Free from fear and uncertainty
  • Heal repressed fears
  • Heal blocked and suppressed feelings
  • Promotes positive thinking


  • Increases intuition
  • Revitalize body and spirit creating spiritual equilibrium
  • Extract spiritual truth


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