
Healing plants contain similar ingredients as the medicines and should be careful when taking natural products because it can have various negative consequences

Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller)

It increases the activity and work of creams containing hydrocortisone. With simultaneous use of drugs against diabetes greatly reduces the amount of blood sugar, which can cause hypoglycemia and loss of consciousness, because the brain remains without energy requirements ..



Juniper / Spruce (Juniperus communis)


The fruits may not be used for inflammation of the kidneys. The usage of fruits requires very precise dosing. It is not recommended during pregnancy.




Garlic (Аllium sativum)

luk-150x150It prevents blood clots and should not be taken concurrently with other anti-blood clotting. When taking other drugs against AIDS, reducing efficiency.




Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)

div-kosten-150x150Preparation of domestic fruit or leaves of horse chestnut can be dangerous and cause poisoning, and should be used mainly products from herbal pharmacies. In the case of use together with the anti-blood clotting, it is necessary to consult the doctor.




Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia)

echinacea-150x150It must not be used for autoimmune diseases, which provokes complete growth of the immune system and so that part of it which alone attack his body. These are diseases of the thyroid gland, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, lupus, HIV, multiple sclerosis, and herpes.



Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus )

euk-150x150Eucalyptus oil is poisonous, while oil preparations eucalyptus may affect the weakening of the enzyme composition of the liver. Preparations should not be given to children younger than 2 years.




Gavez (Symphytum officinale)

gavez-150x150May never ulcers smear with grease until all the pus gavez not come out from inside. The skin surface so well and suddenly regenerate it becomes thickened and healthy but a drop of pus from the depth of the boil again raises the whole process of suppuration which may lead to a situation worse than the previous.



Ginkgo Biloba

ginko-biloba-150x150It must not be used concomitantly with agents that prevent blood clotting. Increases the influence of drugs neuroleptici.Pri concomitantly with antidepressants can cause sexual interference. Do not be taken with aspirin and anti-rheumatic drugs.




Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna and Crataegus laevigata)

glog-150x150It can’t be taken together with the means to regulate blood pressure. If diagnosed heart disease then it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking hawthorn.




Hypericum perforatum

kantarion-150x150A major problem is that the effect of the preparations with cilantro collide with the effect of a series of drugs and prolonged use must consult with phytotherapeutics or doctor who is familiar with Heck effects.




Hop (Humulus lupulus)

hmelj-150x150Concomitant use with tranquillizers increase their action.
Igjirot / sweet cane (Acorus calamus). Not used in diarrhea




Salvia officinalis

zalfija-150x150In large (larger or only for sensitive people) doses is neuro toxic which means it can cause nervousness, headaches and recto yet been reported hallucinations. Strong concentration of tea sage causes muscle contractions so that the sensitive stomach may cause vomiting, while in pregnant uterine contractions. Caution is needed in high doses in people with epilepsy and migraine, ie in all of which the contraction of the muscles directly or indirectly harm.



Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

kamilica-150x150At high doses, increases the effect of drugs against blood clots. Do not be taken together with tranquilizers or alcohol. When sensitivity and strong gastric unsweetened dose may cause nausea.




Nettle (Urtica dioica)

kopriva-150x150No matter how low iron levels or if you love spring cleaning the body with hives, if there is low blood pressure can make a big mistake. Nettle so well drained kidney and can disrupt the natural balance of water in the body of which is directly dependent on blood pressure falls.



Тilia platyphyllos

lipa-150x150Increased action of drugs for heart failure and should not be taken with drugs for heart. In long continuous application of lime tea it can cause heart failure (but really very long periods of its application). Great attention should be paid for use with children and the elderly.



Melissa officinalis

maticnjak-150x150Increases the influence of tranquilizers.




 (Allium ursinum)


In highly sensitive individuals for low blood pressure can cause a greater pressure drop.




Mentha piperita

divonane-150x150During long-term use can cause difficulty bubrzite, heart inconvenience and loss of appetite.



Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)

pelin-150x150To avoid long-term use. When excessive use can lead to dizziness, transient blurring of consciousness, and mental disorder. Can cause hardening of the stomach, constipation and excess stomach acid. Not used in the ulcer.




Trigonella foenum-graecum

piskavec-150x150If you want to make your face cream with piskavica, except that you clean the skin, gently tinted light and the parts of the face treated with the cream may occur hardened fiber.




Horsetail / Preslica  (Equisetum arvense)

konjski-opas-150x150Frequent comments in the books of folk medicine that horse tail causes a deficiency of vitamin B and encourages the making of kidney stones still not correct. Lack of vitamin B causes a kind of horsetail used for animal feed and is related to Polish horsetail, although it is not used for human consumption and mostly grown in America. Recent scientific studies have proven that the use will not cause blood and kidney stones although traditional medicine argues otherwise.



Radish( Raphanus sativus L.)


When applying radish should pay attention to those with heart disease, and liver disease, a stomach ulcer and dvanaestopalachno cancer and inflammation of the gastro-digestive tract.




Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

ruzmarin-150x150It stimulates circulation and will warm cold feet and will increase blood pressure and will incrise menstrual bleeding.





Cassia angustifolia

sena-150x150Used against prison by provoking the mechanical motion of the intestines, which can cause cramps. It should not be used during pregnancy and lactation as our in people with sudden onset of abdominal pain and constipation which therefore can be consequences of acute conditions (appendicitis, harmony of hoses).



Achillea millefolium


In susceptible to low blood pressure may contribute to higher pressure drop.

Just in susceptible individuals can cause an allergic reaction and should therefore only benefit young just blossomed and yarrow tea in small quantities.



Valeriјana (Valeriana officinalis)

valerijana-150x150Increases the effects of drugs and tranquilizers insomnia, and should not be taken concomitantly. In large quantities and long-term use can damage the heart and cause addiction, as well as some difficulties liver and trembling of the hands.




Green tea (Camellia sinensis)

zelen-caj-150x150Caffeine from green tea can cause complications when taken concurrently with antidepressants. In larger quantities to thin the blood.