
Phytotherapy is the oldest form of treatment for various ailments through herbs and preparations of medicinal herbs. Today

Phytotherapy is the oldest form of treatment for various ailments through herbs and preparations of medicinal herbs.

Today is the basis for the preservation of health and of course additional opportunity in the prevention and treatment of mild disease.

Its use for centuries in traditional medicine is supported by scientific and clinical research on its safety and efficacy that’s why modern phytotherapy we must not limit in alternative medicine, but also has to be seen as part of the scientific natural medicine.

In its very particular implementation should be patient because the impact and therefore the results are slow.

With medicinal herbs can not cure everything, but with them in our body we bring a multitude of beneficial ingredients (essential oils, vitamins, natural antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, enzymes) and strengthen and become more resistant, we improve metabolic processes and dispose harmful substances from the body.

Medicinal plants, if used in the right way, almost no side effects, but if they have any then they are reduced to a minimum.

Today, medicinal herbs are preferably grown without using fertilizers and insecticides (biological agriculture or biodynamic farming) or gather in ecologically clean area to avoid the harmful effects of pollution and to have control of harvesting, storage and processing plants, thus ensuring health safety and security / safety of plant / product.

Healing herbs are now used in various pharmaceutical forms: water extracts of herbal medicines (infusion, decoction and macerate) ethanol extracts (tinctures and herbal drops), oil macerate, syrups, tablets and capsules.



It is important to emphasize that the concept of herbal medicines / herbal drugs used in pharmacy applies to dried and crushed parts of the powder plant (flower, lat. Flos; sheet, lat. Folium; above ground part of the plant – greens, lat.herba; .. Cora, lat. cortex, root, lat.radix, fruit, lat. fructus or seed), which are then used in phytotherapy, so that they are not narcotic.

Substances important for the effect of the plant often found in only one part of the plant and therefore that part is used as a herbal remedy but to the plant exhaust most of the active substances usually submerged in water.



Depending on which herbal remedy we use, we distinguish different preparation methods using water as a solvent: Infusion-tea decoction, macerate.

Modern phytotherapy is a perfect combination of traditional practices and the results of modern science.

Today it’s known chemical composition of the main active ingredients and the use of medicinal plants should be streamlined and be left to the experts, which is especially important when combining herbs with other drugs.

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